The City Environment and Natural Resources Office (City ENRO) has released a statement regarding much talked-about cessation of collection of biodegradable (malata) waste at source was based on the mandate under the Republic Act 9003 (RA 9003), also known as “Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000.”
City ENRO head Ma. Anita Fernandez said that under section 10 of RA 9003, “segregation and collection of solid waste shall be conducted at the barangay level specifically for biodegradable, compostable and reusable wastes.”
Fernandez further stressed that “the collection of non-recyclable materials and special wastes shall be the responsibility of the City or municipal government.”
Close coordination between the City and the barangay governments were already in place in the early months of 2019 aimed at the full compliance of the law, the City ENRO head expressed.
Among the discussions tackled with the barangay officials was the implementing rules and regulation of RA 9003 through Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) Administrative Order 2001-34.
The understanding of responsibility in managing the said wastes at the barangay level was anchored on the series of meetings and consultations conducted by City ENRO.
Fernandez further emphasizes the functions and responsibilities of the barangay solid waste management committee in formulating programs related to composting and waste retention strategies.
In the issue of garbage fees paid by different establishments, the environmental office emphasized that the fee is minimal compared to the overall cost of these major environmental activities that does not only limit to garbage collection services.
Moreover, environmental management and operations cost covers a wide area such as running and maintaining disposal facility or sanitary landfill, information and education campaign on environmental protection, as well as monitoring and enforcement mechanism of environmental policies of the City.
At this end, the City ENRO calls on the support of everyone to be responsible and accountable in managing our waste generated in our respective households and establishments. A challenge that plays an important role where everyone has the opportunity to positively act for the protection of our environment, based on what the law has stated.
DENR Environmental Management Board Region 10 has approved the extended deadline on December 15, 2019 where the City is only allowed to operate the sanitary landfill in lieu of the imminent closure of controlled disposal facility.
The new landfill operations according to law caters only residual wastes and special hazardous wastes through garbage collection services provided by the City government.
With reports by: Kris Guerrero B. Tabernero, Mary Grace V. Valdez, City ENRO-NADA