In celebration of National IP Month, the Office of the City Civil Registrar (CCRO) conducted an orientation on the registration of authority to solemnize marriage and importance of Civil Registry documents concerning civil status of Indigenous People (IP) last October 24, 2022 at the Building Office of the Liga ng Barangay, Sta. Cruz St., Barangay Sumpong, Malaybalay City.
The activity aims to provide sufficient information to our IP Solemnizing officers on the importance of Civil Registry documents especially among indigenous People. IPMR Councilor Renato S. Sumbongan encouraged tribal Chieftains to apply for solemnizing officer and continue to perform their wedding tradition and culture.
Tribal chieftains, IPMR representatives and CCRO staffs were interested on the topics presented and actively interacted with the discussion of the invited resource speakers.
This orientation was made possible through the support of Exec. Asst. V/ City Civil Registrar-OIC, Arnel S. Alagenio and to our energetic and supportive City Mayor, Jay Warren R. Pabillaran.
Mr. Jonathan M. Cabugsa, Registration Officer II of the Provincial Statistical Office –Bukidnon and Mr. Mark Lester T. Modequillo, Registration Officer I, gave instructive and comprehensive lecture on Administrative Order No. 03, Series of 2004 or the Rules and Regulations Governing registration of acts and events concerning Civil Status of Indigenous People, and Administrative Order No. 1, series of 2021 or the Authority to solemnize marriage.
By: Madona M. Ipanag, CCRO- NADA Coordinator