With the increased need for improved operations, the Traffic Management Center of the City Mayor’s Office hired additional 23 traffic enforcers (TEs) who recently underwent orientation and training. They are the new addition to the 84-strong TMC personnel who brave all weather conditions to ensure that traffic flow and road situations in the City are in the best form.
In this activity held last August 16, 2022 at the Brgy. 2 covered court, the new TEs were briefed on the salient provisions of City Ordinance 900, series of 2009. They were joined by other TMC personnel who were evaluated to need a refresher and updating of their knowledge on traffic codified ordinances.
According to the TMC Head Joseph G. Jabla, all the enforcers were given lectures to broaden their knowledge in specific traffic operations, laws and regulations. At the same time, Jabla added that more lessons were given to the trainees and older TEs on how to ensure their physical and psychological capabilities are apt for their functions.
For his part, Ernie B. Neri who heads traffic operations mentioned that part of the lectures was on how to conduct themselves as enforcers and public servants when there are violations committed. His assistant, Agustin Cepeda, was the resource person for this specific topic.
Report: TMC-NADA